April Nightmares…

Every April, it seems, I am revisited by the ghosts of days past, storms past, tornadoes past. Every year I hope to be spared, but it’s like my mind has stored this time in my head and will not allow me to forget it.

Nightmare again. Tornado. This time hitting Walton, and on this Thursday of all days. I don’t usually dream about specific dates, but last night, I did.

I’m in a parking lot outside of McD’s right outside the door, my portable Ham radio in hand. I’m looking south-ish over the Kroger’s lot when I see the horizontally twisting clouds forming into a dense pack – Tornado. It’s twisting up into a funnel, it’s vicious finger reaching down, down. It touches Krogers and it explodes. Cars, carts, people, produce… all of it flies up into the sky. Large chunks of concrete walls are spinning through the air. People, screaming and twisting into impossible shapes follow the wicked procession through the spiral. I yell into my radio.

“Callsign”. tornado. walton. tornado. on ground. tornado. buildings demolished. tornado. Mass Casualties. tornado. take cover.

I run inside the restaurant, screaming for everyone to take cover in restrooms. No room left. I return to vestibule, watching the funnel spin down on top of us. Inside the eye for a moment. I hunker down. Repeat call over radio. Tornado on top of us, now. the building begins to scream as pieces and parts explode upward, twisting and spinning along with the bodies of people, bloody bodies, torn bodies. bodies screaming. The air roars. I’m shouting into radio


All is silent. I’m covered in blood. There is nothing left around me. Dead bodies lie scattered amid the debri. People screaming, dying, dead.

I wake, soaked in sweat, my heart pounding, my eyes matted with tears.  I dreamed this last night about two days from now. I just felt it needed to be recorded somewhere. It’s just a dream, I keep telling myself, just a flash back dream….

All is in the beholder’s eye…

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I took the original picture last year while hiking in a local park. Somehow, the solitary little animal shelter sitting in the middle of the huge meadow that had once been a pasture caught my eye. there was a barbed wire fence, old and rusted, between the park and the meadow. Yesterday, that picture fell out of a book and the inspiration to sketch was not to be denied. The quote was one that I had written on the back of the photo.

I wonder what tales this little shed could tell. Who built it, and how long ago? Being a writer, a dozen tales are swimming around in my head. Maybe someday, I’ll use the inspiration in a story.


Beginning the journey….

If you’re interested in Art Journaling on the go, then check out my other page…

Junker's Junkie Art Journal


This is the new junkie sketchbook I  just received in the mail this week. It is a gift from an anonymous friend. I’m looking forward to filling it with lots of arty things. Sketches, collages, pen and ink… generally whatever flips my bill for the day. The ribbons have been tied to make a very nice little carry handle, so I will be able to drag it along (not literally) wherever I go. So, let the journey begin….

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Good Morning!

C. Starfire McQuinn, 2011. All rights reserved.

C. Starfire McQuinn, 2011. All rights reserved.

This is one of the ways I combine my love for photography with my journaling. I am a poet and author and so it just seems natural to me to add poetry to pictures I’ve taken and written about.